


A room in a hospital for patients receiving medical or psychiatric treatment.
To keep guard over something or someone, especially to protect it or them from harm.


The verb "ward" has several meanings, depending on the context in which it is used.
To guard or protect something or someone from harm, danger, or attack. To take care of someone who is ill or injured.




  1. I visited my friend in the psychiatric ward of the hospital.
  2. The children's ward of the hospital is decorated with colorful murals and toys.
  3. The hospital's intensive care unit is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and staffed by highly trained medical professionals who provide round-the-clock care to patients in critical condition.


  1. The police put up barriers to ward the crowd away from the crime scene.
  2. The doctor warded the boy's injury with a bandage.
  3. The volunteers warded the homeless people by giving them food and blankets.