


A blindfold is something you wear over your eyes so you can't see. People sometimes play a game where they put a blindfold on and then try to find something using only their sense of touch.


To blindfold someone means to cover their eyes with a piece of cloth or something similar, so that they cannot see.


When used as an adjective, "blindfold" means unable to see, usually due to having a cloth or other material covering the eyes.




  1. The magician blindfolded his assistant before revealing the secret trick.
  2. The children took turns blindfolding each other and trying to find the hidden treats.
  3. The prisoner was blindfolded before being taken to an unknown location.


  1. They blindfolded the prisoner so he couldn't see where they were taking him.
  2. The magician blindfolded his assistant before the trick.
  3. She blindfolded her eyes, trying to guess what was in the box.


  1. He was led away with a blindfold covering his eyes.
  2. The magician performed a blindfold magic trick.
  3. She put on a blindfold and tried to guess the item in her hand.