


The meaning of the word "around" as an adverb can include:
(Spatially) In the vicinity of, surrounding, nearby, in various directions
(Temporally) Approximately, roughly, about
(Quantitatively) Approximately, roughly
(Conditionally) Near, surrounding, in a relaxed manner



"Around" is a preposition that indicates a range of position, time, quantity, and other similar concepts. Its common meanings in English include "surrounding," "near," "close to," and "in the vicinity of."




  1. She was feeling nervous, so I sat around her to keep her calm.
  2. I looked around the room but couldn't find my keys.
  3. I usually get up around 7am.
  4. There were around 50 people at the party.
  5. She was feeling nervous, so I sat around her to keep her calm.



  1. I saw a squirrel running around the park.
  2. Let's meet around 3 PM.
  3. There are around 20 people in the room.