[eigot a.s.] Plants

[eigot a.s.] Plants 002- 03 Photosynthesis

What's Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process plants use to make food. It happens when plants use the sun's energy to turn water(H2O) and carbon dioxide(CO2) into sugar and oxygen(O2). In photosynthesis, the plant takes in sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water through its leaves. The plant then uses the energy from the sun to turn the water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. The sugar is used by the plant as food and the oxygen is released into the air. Photosynthesis is an important process because it helps plants to grow and it provides us with the air we need to breathe.

Vocabulary : Photosynthesis  oxygen(O2)   carbon dioxide(CO2)   water(H2O)

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