× [Grade 4] Social studies 001

[Grade 4] Social studies 001- Be prepared for horrific storms and floods.

Be prepared for horrific storms and floods.

The 2015 flooding of the Kinugawa River in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, can serve as an example of the terrifying nature of natural disasters and the measures we should take.

Let's check the location of Joso City and what kind of river Kinugawa is on the map below.

"Let me tell you about the scary flood that happened in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, in 2015. This flood was caused by heavy rain that made the Kinugawa River overflow. When a river overflows, it means that there is so much water that it goes beyond its usual boundaries and spreads to nearby areas.

kinugawa flood 鬼怒川 eigot エイゴット

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

During the flood, many houses and buildings were damaged, and people had to evacuate to safer places. It was a very dangerous situation because the water was strong and could sweep away everything in its path.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves from floods like this? There are some important steps we can take:

  • Stay informed:
    It's crucial to listen to the news and weather reports to know if there is a possibility of flooding in our area. Authorities will provide information on what actions we should take.
  • Create an emergency kit:
    We should prepare a bag with essential items like food, water, flashlights, and batteries. This kit can help us if we need to evacuate quickly.
  • Have an emergency plan:
    Talk with your family about what you should do if a flood occurs. Decide on a meeting place and make sure everyone knows how to stay safe.
  • Follow evacuation orders:
    If authorities tell us to evacuate, it's important to listen and leave the area immediately. They have our safety in mind.
  • Stay away from floodwaters:
    Floodwaters can be dangerous. Never try to walk or play in them because they can sweep you away. It's also important to avoid touching electrical equipment that may be submerged in the water.

By following these steps, we can better protect ourselves and stay safe during floods. Remember, it's important to listen to adults and authorities during such situations. Stay safe, everyone!"

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