
What is Volleyball?

In volleyball, two teams faces each other across a net, trying to hit the ball with their hands and make it land in the opponent's court.




Number of Players

Volleyball teams have 6 players on the court at any given time, with 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row.

There's 12 players in the court including the other team.





  1. Ball: A bouncy round ball that has different sizes for different kinds of volleyball.
    Indoor volleyball uses a bigger and heavier ball, while beach volleyball uses a slightly smaller and lighter ball.
  2. Uniform: A clothing with team colors and numbers.
  3. Shoes: A footwear designed to protect feet and provide grip.



The game takes place on a rectangular area called a "court."

There's a "net" in the middle, and teams compete across this net.





Basic Rules

  • Serve: To start the game, one team serves the ball. That means they throw the ball up in the air and hit it over the net to the other team.
  • Three-hits: Each team can touch the ball up to three times before sending it back over the net. Usually, teams bump, set, and then spike the ball to try to score a point.
  • Scoring: When the ball lands in the other team's court, your team gets a point. The team that gets to a certain number of points first wins the game.
  • Rotating: After your team serves, you have to move around in a circle to different positions. This makes sure everyone gets a chance to hit the ball.


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