
What is Soccer?

Soccer is a game where you kick a ball with your feet and try to get it into the opponent's goal net.

The team with the most goals wins!



Number of Players

Soccer is played with 11 players on each team.

This includes a player called the "goalkeeper."





  1. Ball: A soccer ball is round and typically made of synthetic materials. It comes in different sizes, but the standard one is Size 5.
  2. Shoes: Depends on various factors, including the playing surface, personal preferences, and position for the shoe that they wear.
  3. Uniform: Clothing that represents each team's colors and design.




A rectangular field surface may be grass or artificial turf, with goal posts and nets at both ends.




Basic Rules

  • Kick-off: A kick from the center circle to start the game or after a goal is scored.
  • Offside: A violation when an attacking player is in front of a certain line before the ball reaches them.
  • Penalty: A kick awarded to the attacking team when the defending team commits a violation within the penalty area.



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