× [Grade 3] Science 001

[Grade 3] Science 002 – How to sow seeds

How to sow seeds

Small Seeds

Small Seeds-eigot

1. What You Need

  • Small seeds (e.g., basil, lettuce)
  • Soil
  • Pot or planter
  • Watering can
  • Label

Small Seeds02-eigot

2. Prepare the Soil

Fill the pot with soil and loosen it up.

Small and Large Seeds-eigot

3. Sowing the Seeds

Small seeds can be tricky to sow evenly with your hands. Take a small amount of seeds on your fingertips and sprinkle them evenly over the soil in the pot.

Small Seeds03-eigot

4. Cover with Soil

Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Small seeds usually need light to germinate, so be careful not to bury them too deep.

5. Water Gently

Water the seeds gently, being careful not to wash them away.

Large Seeds

Large Seeds-eigot

1. What You Need

  • Large seeds (e.g., sunflower, beans)
  • Soil
  • Pot or planter
  • Watering can
  • Label

Large Seeds02-eigot

2. Prepare the Soil

Fill the pot with soil and loosen it up.

Small and Large Seeds-eigot

3. Make a Hole

Use your finger to make a small hole in the soil. The depth of the hole should be about 2-3 times the size of the seed.

Large Seeds03-eigot

4. Sow the Seed

Place one seed in each hole.

5. Cover with Soil

Cover the hole with soil and gently press down to firm the soil.

6. Water Gently

Water the seeds gently, being careful not to wash them away.

[Grade 3] Science 009-2 Volume and Weight (Prev Lesson)
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