The mysteries of the animal world

Seals and Sea Lions:What are the differences between seals and sea lions?

Sea Lions

The front flippers of sea lions are adapted for paddling, acting like oars to propel them through the water.
Sea lions use their flippers not only for swimming but also for steering, maneuvering, and braking.


They can also use their flippers to help them climb onto rocks and other surfaces.


Have visible external ears that are larger and more flexible than those of seals. Have a streamlined body with a narrower waist and larger hind flippers for propulsion.


Streamlined body with short snouts and small, hole-like ears without external ear flaps. Seals can hear underwater, but their small, hole-like ears help to keep water out and prevent heat loss Short, dense fur with high water resistance.
They move on their stomach.


Clumsy on land due to their body shape, moving by crawling. Capable of diving for several minutes to tens of minutes holding their breath.


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