Jasper and Luna

Jasper and Luna

Jasper the caterpillar munched on the juiciest leaves he could find. "Gotta grow big and strong," he chomped with his tiny legs on the leaf. Nearby, another caterpillar named Luna nibbled on a leaf next to him.


"Hey Jasper," Luna said between bites. "You think we'll ever be anything more than just eating machines?"
Jasper paused with a tiny leaf dangling from his mouth. "Hmm, never thought about it."

Days turned into weeks, and Jasper and Luna became the best of friends. They'd race each other across leaves,and share stories about the tastiest leaves they'd found.

Then one sunny morning, Jasper felt different. He wasn't hungry anymore. He just wanted to find a quiet spot. Luna got worried and followed him.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Jasper was spinning, and making a silky cocoon around himself. "I think I'm changing," he mumbled from inside.

Luna was so surprised, and felt a pang of sadness. But every day, she'd visit Jasper’s cocoon, and whisper stories and talk to him about her days. Jasper didn’t reply, but she was waiting forJasper to come out and talk to her again.

Finally a few weeks later, the cocoon wiggled. Out crawled a magnificent butterfly with wings the color of the sunset! Luna is now a butterfly herself, and gasped.

"Jasper? Is that you?"
Jasper’s wings were shimmering, and fluttered next to Luna. "It's me! And look at you! We can fly now!" Luna noticed that she has the same butterfly wings as Jasper.

Together, they soared through the air, their friendship taking flight alongside them. They realized that even though they'd changed, their bond as friends remained, stronger and more beautiful than ever.

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