


Equilibrium: The state of being evenly distributed or balanced.
Harmony: A pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity.
Mental or emotional stability: A state of emotional or mental calmness and stability.
Remaining amount: The money left in an account after all transactions have been accounted for.
Scales: An instrument for measuring weight by comparing the weight of one object to that of another known object.



To keep in equilibrium: To maintain a state of even distribution or balance.
To compare or weigh against each other: To consider or assess the relative value or importance of two or more things.
To reconcile or adjust: To make something consistent or in agreement with something else.



  1. The acrobat maintained her balance on the tightrope.
  2. The artist created a beautiful balance of colors in her painting.
  3. Yoga helped her to find balance in her life.



  1. The tightrope walker carefully balanced herself on the wire.
  2. The judge balanced the evidence before reaching a verdict.
  3. The accountant balanced the company's books.