

The word "bat" can refer to a flying mammal with leathery wings that is active at night, or a piece of equipment used in various sports such as baseball or cricket to hit the ball. Can you specify which definition you would like a description of?


The verb "bat" can mean to strike or hit something, usually with a quick and light motion, such as batting a ball with a bat in a game. It can also mean to flutter one's eyelashes, or to swat at something, such as a fly. The verb can also be used in the sense of a repeated back-and-forth motion, such as a bird batting its wings. In some cases, the verb "bat" can also mean to move or flap one's hands or wings in a fluttering manner, as in the expression "the butterfly was batting its wings".



  1. The bats in the cave use echolocation to navigate and find insects to eat.
  2. The baseball player swung his bat and hit a home run.
  3. The cricket player held his bat with two hands, ready for the next pitch.



  1. The kitten batted at the string toy, trying to catch it.
  2. The baseball player batted the ball, sending it flying over the fence.
  3. She batted her eyelashes flirtatiously at him.