


The noun "address" in English has several meanings:
The details of a place where someone lives or an organization is situated.
A formal speech delivered to an audience.
The place where someone can be contacted.
Skill and tact in dealing with people or situations.
A specific location in computer memory where data is stored.



The verb "address" in English has several meanings:
To speak to someone directly.
To direct one's efforts or attention to something.
To write the name and address on an envelope or package.
To use a particular title or name when speaking or writing to someone.




1. Please provide me with your address so I can send you a letter.
2. I need to update my address in the system.
3. He gave me his address, so I can contact him.



1. I addressed the crowd with a powerful speech.
2. The company addressed the issue in a timely manner.
3. The teacher addressed the students' concerns.