dead heat

dead heat


A dead heat is a term used to describe a situation in a competition or race where two or more participants cross the finish line at the same time or with no discernible difference between them, making it impossible to determine a clear winner without the use of technology or a photo finish. In such cases, the competitors are said to be tied, or to have finished in a tie, and the event may be declared a draw or a tie. A dead heat can occur in any type of competition, including sports, horse racing, and politics.



  1. The two runners crossed the finish line at the exact same moment, resulting in a dead heat and a tie for first place.
  2. The election results were so close that the two candidates were in a dead heat, and a recount was necessary to determine the winner.
  3. The horse race was so competitive that three horses finished in a dead heat, causing a delay while the judges reviewed the photo finish to declare a winner.