


"Wait" means to spend time until an action or event happens. By waiting, you can wait for something to complete or wait for the next instruction. "Wait" can also be used to wait for a specific time, person, or thing to arrive. Additionally, waiting can also mean to hold off on taking action until a situation improves.


The noun form of "wait" means "the act of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens." It refers to the period of time during which someone is staying or delaying action. The noun form of "wait" can also mean "the ability to stay patient and delay action until the right time."




  1. Please wait a moment while I check to see if we have your reservation in our system.
  2. I had to wait in line for over an hour to buy concert tickets.
  3. Can you wait until I finish my phone call before we start our meeting?


  1. The wait for the bus was longer than I expected.
  2. The doctor's appointment had a three-hour wait, so I brought a book to read.
  3. The team's success was due in part to their ability to endure the long wait for their chance to win.