


To be away from a place where one is expected to be: This is the most common meaning of "absent" as a verb. It can be used to say that someone or something is not present in a particular place at a particular time.

To remove or take away: This meaning is less common, but it can be used in some contexts.



"Absent" has several meanings, but the most common ones are:

Not present: This is the most basic meaning of "absent". It can be used to say that someone or something is not in a place where they are expected to be.
Missing: This meaning is similar to "not present", but it can also imply that something is lost or that it is not functioning properly.
Inattentive or distracted: This meaning is often used to describe someone who is not paying attention to what is happening around them.




  1. The student absented himself from school today because he was sick.
  2. The manager absented herself from the meeting due to a family emergency.
  3. The thief absented the jewelry from the store.



  1. The student was absent from class today because he was sick.
  2. The manager was absent from the meeting due to a family emergency.
  3. There are a few pages absent from the book, so I'm not able to read the whole story.