


The word "acid" as a noun refers to a substance that has a sour taste, can turn blue litmus paper red, and reacts with bases to form salts. Chemically, it is a substance that donates protons (hydrogen ions) in a reaction. Examples include citric acid in lemons and acetic acid in vinegar.



When used as an adjective, "acid" describes something that has the properties of an acid or is related to acids. For instance, "acid rain" refers to rain that has a higher acidity due to pollutants. It can also describe something that has a sour or sharp taste, similar to the taste of acids.




1. The experiment requires us to use a strong acid.
2. She poured some acid on the rusty surface to clean it.
3. The acidity of the soil is too high for these plants to grow.



1. This soup is too acidic - it needs more sugar.
2. The acidic soil prevented the plants from growing.
3. He had an acidic comment about her appearance.