【SS0065】Aquarius Star sign symbolized by a water-bearer, often depicted as a person pouring water from a pitcher. Example Aquarius is represented b […]
【SS0064】Capricorn Star sign represented by a sea-goat, a mythical creature with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish. Examples Capricorns are r […]
【SS0063】Sagittarius Star sign represented by a centaur, a mythical creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. It means “archer” in […]
【SS0062】Scorpio Star sign that is located in the southern sky. It’s easily recognizable by its shape, like the scorpion’s curled tail. The brightest star in the c […]
【SS0061】Libra Star sign symbolized by a pair of scales. Example Libra is associated with the planet Venus. Libra is represented by a balance s […]
【SS0060】Virgo Star sign based on the concept of the maiden and wheat. The brightest star in this constellation is Spica, which means “ear of grain” in Latin. I […]
【SS0059】Leo Star sign with grouping of stars in the night sky, that symbolized as a lion. Its most bright star, Regulus, is often referred to as the “Heart of […]
【SS0058】Cancer Star sign that is located between the constellations Gemini and Leo, that is symbolized by the crab. Example Cancer is ruled by t […]
【SS0057】Gemini Star sign represented by twins. The twins Castor and Pollux were inseparable brothers, their bond was so strong that when Castor died, Zeus placed […]
【SS0056】Taurus Star sign with group of stars that forms a recognizable bull-like shape. It includes several bright stars, such as Aldebaran, which marks the […]
【SS0055】Aries Star sign with the brightest star called Hamal. It’s an Arabic word meaning “the lamb,” which the symbol of this sign looks like a horn of the […]
【SS0054】Cassiopeia It is a constellation shaped like a big “W” in the night sky. It’s named after a vain queen in a Greek myth. Example Cassiopeia is a […]
【SS0053】Ursa Minor Small group of stars that looks like a tiny bear or a little dipper. It’s important because the North Star, which helps people find direction, is […]
【SS0052】Ursa Major Big group of stars that looks like a bear in the night sky. People also call it the Big Dipper because part of it looks like a […]
【SS0051】Orion Famous group of stars that looks like a hunter found in the winter sky. It has bright stars and a pretty cloud of gas called the Orion […]
【SS0050】UY Scuti A very large red star located in the Scutum constellation, that is one of the biggest known stars in the universe. Example UY S […]
【SS0049】Spica Brightest star in the constellation Virgo. It’s actually two stars orbiting each other very closely, making it appear as one bright, bluish-white […]
【SS0048】Arcturus Giant, reddish star that’s the brightest in the northern sky. It’s easily found by following the curve of the Big Dipper’s […]
【SS0047】Algol Star known as the “Demon Star” because its brightness mysteriously changes over time. Example Algol is also known as the “Demon S […]
【SS0046】Deneb A super bright star, one of the corners of the Summer Triangle, but it’s actually very far away. Example Deneb is a massive b […]
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