【SS0045】Vega Bright, blue-white star in the Lyra constellation, easily spotted in the summer sky. Example Vega is a blue-white star. The S […]
【SS0044】Altair Very bright star, easily seen in the night sky. It’s the main star in the Aquila constellation, shaped like an eagle. Example […]
【SS0043】Betelgeuse Massive, red star nearing the end of its life, located in the constellation Orion. Example Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star. […]
【SS0042】Sirius Brightest star in the night sky. It’s actually two stars orbiting each other. Example Sirius is the brightest star in the night s […]
【SS0041】starlight The light emitted by stars, traveling vast distances to reach Earth. Example Starlight filled the night sky. I lay on the grass a […]
【SS0040】constellation Group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the night sky. People imagine these patterns to look like animals, objects, or mythological […]
【SS0039】astronomy Study of the universe, from planets and stars to galaxies and beyond. Example Astronomy studies space. I love learning about astronomy. Telescopes are used in astronomy.
【SS0038】stargazing When you are looking up at the night sky to admire stars and other celestial objects. Example We enjoyed stargazing on the beach l […]
【SS0037】Big Bang This theory suggests the universe began as a tiny, incredibly hot point that exploded and has been expanding ever since, creating the space and […]
【SS0036】milky way Vast spiral galaxy containing billions of stars, including our Sun. Example Our solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy. […]
【SS0035】Pluto It is a famous dwarf planet. A dwarf planet is like a planet, but it’s smaller. It orbits the Sun, but it doesn’t have enough gravity to c […]
【SS0034】orbit A curved path one object takes around another. Example The Earth orbits the sun. Satellites orbit the Earth. The Moon orbits the Earth.
【SS0033】gravity A force that pulls objects towards each other. It’s what keeps us grounded on Earth and makes things fall. Example Gravity pulls o […]
【SS0032】universe It is everything that exists, including all space, time, matter, and energy. Example We are just a small part of the universe. The universe is constantly expanding. Our planet is in the universe.
【SS0031】crescent moon It is when only a small part of the moon is lit up, looking like a curved shape in the night sky. Example I saw a crescent moon in t […]
【SS0030】full moon It is when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon, making the Moon appear fully lit up. Example The full moon is s […]
【SS0029】new moon When the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun, making it invisible from Earth. It’s the start of a new lunar […]
【SS0028】galaxy Giant group of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity. Example Galaxies are made up of stars, gas, and dust. There are b […]
【SS0027】atmosphere Layer of gases surrounding a planet. It’s like a blanket protecting us from harmful rays and keeping the planet warm. Example […]
【SS0026】planets Large, round object that orbits a star. It’s big enough to be pulled into a round shape by its own gravity. Example Planets orbit a […]
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