【SS0025】shooting star It is not a star but a small piece of space rock burning up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. Examples: Did you make a wish on […]
【SS0024】star signs Astrological label based on the position of the sun at your birth. It’s associated with certain personality traits and […]
【SS0022】U.F.O. Something seen in the sky that people can’t identify. Some people think they might be spaceships from other planets. Example I saw a […]
【SS0023】alien A living creature from another planet. Example The movie is about a friendly alien. My friend believes she saw an alien creature. Aliens live on a distant planet.
【SS0021】meteorite Space rock that has landed on Earth. It’s a piece of an asteroid or comet that survived its fiery journey through our […]
【SS0020】asteroid Big rock floating in space that orbits the Sun. Example An asteroid is a rocky object that orbits the sun. Asteroids orbit the sun. A large asteroid impact could cause damage to Earth.
【SS0019】comet A dirty snowball of ice and dust that orbits the Sun. As it gets closer to the Sun, it heats up and releases gas, creating a beautiful […]
【SS0018】solar system A group of planets, moons, and other objects that orbit around a star called the Sun. Example The sun is the center of our solar s […]
【SS0017】telescope A tool that makes distant objects look bigger. It helps us see things that are very far away. Example Let’s take the telescope o […]
【SS0016】rocket A vehicle that can travel in space. It works by pushing itself forward with powerful gas. Example The rocket left a trail of smoke. A rocket flew into space. The rocket landed on the moon.
【SS0015】satellite An object that orbits around another object in space. Many satellites are human-made machines that help us communicate and learn about […]
【SS0014】spaceship A vehicle designed to travel in space. It can carry people and equipment to explore other planets and stars. Example The spaceship w […]
【SS0013】Neptune Farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system. It’s a cold, dark, and windy ice giant planet much bigger than Earth. Example […]
【SS0012】Uranus Seventh planet from the Sun and a giant, icy world with a unique sideways tilt. It’s known for its greenish-blue color and has many moons and […]
【SS0011】Saturn Second huge, gas planet orbiting the Sun. It’s famous for its beautiful rings made of ice and rock. Example Saturn is a gas giant p […]
【SS0010】Jupiter The biggest planet in our solar system, made mostly of gas and is very far from the Sun. Example Jupiter is the largest planet in o […]
【SS0009】Mars Fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system. It’s often called the “Red Planet” because of its reddish appearance caused by iron oxide on its […]
【SS0008】Earth Planet we live on, orbiting the Sun. It’s the only known planet to support life. Example We live on Earth. Earth is the only known planet with life. Earth has one moon called Luna.
【SS0007】Venus Second planet from the Sun and our closest neighbor in space. It’s a hot, rocky world covered in thick clouds and often called Earth’s twin […]
【SS0006】Mercury Closest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet in our solar system. It’s a rocky planet with extremely hot days and freezing cold […]
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