【BP0047】bone There are over 200 bones in your body, all different shapes and sizes! They’re a kind of connective tissue, but much stronger than, muscles or […]
【BP0046】skin It’s the biggest organ on your body, kind of like the biggest piece of clothing. It’s a super important part of your body that keeps you safe, […]
【BP0045】back of the hand The back of your hand is the opposite side from where your fingers bend. You have your fingers and thumb on the front, and on the back, you […]
【BP0044】palm A palm is like the flat, wide part of your hand at the end of your wrist. It’s the part you use to hold things or high five your […]
【BP0043】lower back Your lower back is like the bridge between your upper body and your legs! It’s made of strong bones called vertebrae that stack on top of each […]
【BP0042】face It’s the front part of your head, where most of our senses are located, like our eyes for seeing, nose for smelling, and mouth for ta […]
【BP0041】throat It’s like a busy intersection inside your neck. It’s a hollow tube that connects your mouth and nose. Example I have a so […]
【BP0040】lap The lap is the area formed by your thighs when you are sitting down. It’s the flat surface on your front, created by your upper […]
【BP0039】armpit Your armpit is that little nook or dip right under your shoulder where your arm meets your side. Sometimes, especially after playing hard or […]
【BP0038】earlobe The earlobe is the soft, fleshy part at the bottom of your ear that’s kind of like a little lobe, like a round droopy part. Example […]
【BP0037】eyelid Your eyelids are like soft curtains that blink over your eyes. Your eyelids stop dirt and tiny things from getting in your eyes. They also […]
【BP0036】belly button It’s also called the navel, is a little dip or indention on your tummy. It’s leftover from when you were a baby living inside your mom’s […]
【BP0035】hair It is like a thin, thread-like strand that grows out of your skin. It grows all over our bodies, but we see it the most on our heads. It can […]
【BP0034】nail These are the hard, protective coverings on the tips of your fingers and toes. Examples: Do you have a nail cli […]
【BP0033】tongue It’s like a strong, soft muscle that can move around inside your mouth that helps you chew and swallow. It has little bumps on it called taste […]
【BP0032】lips It’s two soft, movable folds of skin that come together at the front of your face to form the opening of your m […]
【BP0031】eyelashIt’s tiny hairs that grow along the edges of your eyelids, both the upper and lower ones. They act like a shield for your eyes, keeping out dust, […]
【BP0030】eyebrow It is the hair that sits above your eyes on your forehead. They are like little arches that can move up and down to help you show different […]
【BP0029】wrist It is the area where your hand connects to your forearm. It lets your hand move up and down, side to side, and even bend at a t […]
【BP0028】shin It is the front part of your leg between your knee and your ankle. It’s the flat, bony area you might bump if you kick something […]
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