【BP0027】calf It’s the part of your lower leg, at the back. It’s below your knee and runs down towards your ankle. You use your calf muscles for t […]
【BP0026】thigh Your thigh is the part of your leg that goes from your knee up to your hip. It’s the thickest part of your leg, and contains many large m […]
【BP0025】heel It is the back part of your foot, below your ankle. It’s the part that makes contact with the ground when you walk, run, or s […]
【BP0024】ankle It connects your two legs, the long part (shin bone) and the flat part (foot), and lets you move your foot up and down. This hinge is […]
【BP0023】elbow It is the joint where your arm bends. It’s the bumpy area between your upper arm and your forearm. Examples: Be careful no […]
【BP0022】cheek It’s below your eye and goes from your nose to your ear, and usually has softer skin compared to other parts of your head. Sometimes they get […]
【BP0021】forehead It is the smooth flat part of your face that’s right above your eyebrows and goes all the way up to your h […]
【BP0020】chin is the part of your face below your mouth and above your neck. Examples: You have a little bit of rice on your […]
【BP0019】bottom It’s the rounded area at the lower back, below the hips. We use it to sit down comfortably. You can use more specific terms like b […]
【BP0017】chestIt is also referred to thorax. It is the upper front part of your body between the neck and the abdomen. Examples: Take off y […]
【BP0016】back It is the large area on the back side of your body, opposite your chest and belly. It runs from the base of your neck down to your b […]
【BP0015】neck It is the part of the body that connects the head to the body, that allows your head to move freely while staying attached to your b […]
【BP0014】teeth It is a hard, white structure that grows in your mouth. You use it to bite and chew food. Brushing with toothpaste and flossing helps keep it […]
【BP0013】fingers It’s one of the long, thin parts at the end of your hand. Humans typically have five on each hand. This word usually refers to the four […]
【BP0012】leg It is the part of the body that extends from the hip to the foot, typically used for standing, walking, running, and […]
【BP0011】arm It is the upper limb of the human body that extends from the shoulder to the hand. You use it when you lift, c […]
【BP0010】toe It is a small, separate parts at the end of the foot. It’s a finger-like projections, most important for you to […]
【BP0009】knee It is the joint that connects your thigh to your lower leg. It’s the biggest joint in your body and it’s what allows you to bend your l […]
【BP0008】shoulder It is a complex joint that connects your upper arm to your torso. It’s one of the most flexible joints in the body, […]
【BP0007】head It is the uppermost part of the human body, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Examples: I have a hea […]
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