


Here are the meanings of the word "advance" as a noun in English:

A forward movement: Progress or movement forward, often in a physical or strategic sense.
An improvement or development: Progress or a significant step forward in knowledge, technology, or other fields.
A loan or payment made ahead of time: Money or resources provided in anticipation of future needs or repayment.
A preliminary step or initiative: An initial approach or offer made before a more detailed or formal step.



Here are the meanings of the word "advance" as a verb in English:

To move forward: To proceed or move ahead, either physically or in progress.
To improve or develop: To make progress in a particular field, skill, or activity.
To bring forward: To propose, suggest, or put forward an idea, theory, or plan for consideration.
To pay or supply beforehand: To provide money, resources, or support ahead of time, usually as a loan or prepayment.
To accelerate the progress of: To speed up the development or completion of something.




  1. The new technology is an impressive advanc in medical science.
  2. We have made great advancs in computer programming.
  3. His advanc in the company was well-deserved after all his hard work



  1. We have advanced our research significantly in the last year.
  2. We are advancing our plans for the new product launch.
  3. He has advanced to a higher level of expertise in his field.