


The verb "approach" means:

To come near or nearer to (a person, place, or thing).

To deal with or address (a problem, task, or challenge), to tackle or approach.

To draw closer in time or occurrence, to be imminent.

To come close to (a person or group) in order to speak to them or make contac.



The noun "approach" means "the act of coming near or closer to someone or something, a way of dealing with something, a method or technique, or an angle or perspective used to consider or analyze something."




  1. He approached the door slowly.
  2. We need to approach this project strategically.
  3. The deadline is approaching quickly.
  4. The deadline is approaching quickly.



  1. We adopted a holistic approach to solving the problem.
  2. She took a more cautious approach to the negotiations.
  3. We decided to take an innovative approach to the project.