

The word "as" can be used as a preposition with several meanings in English. Here are some of the main ones:

In the role of: "He works as a teacher."
In the form of: "She appeared as a ghost in the play."
During the time of: "I fell asleep as the movie started."
In a manner similar to: "She sings as her mother did."
These meanings help convey the function, form, timing, or similarity of something in relation to another thing.



"As" is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of ways, but its most common uses as a conjunction are to express:

Time: "As I was walking down the street, I saw a familiar face."
Cause: "As it was getting late, we decided to head home."
Condition: "As long as you promise to be careful, I'll let you go out."
Manner: "She spoke as softly as a whisper."
Degree: "I was as surprised as you were."




  1. I know her as a talented artist.
  2. He is working as a teacher.
  3. The package was sent to me as a gift.


  1. As the sun rose, the birds began to sing.
  2. I was as excited as a child on Christmas morning.
  3. As you know, I am very interested in learning new languages.