


The adverbial meaning of "aside" is "apart from that, separately, without considering that particular thing or situation." For example, in the sentence "She was nervous, but she put those feelings aside and focused on her presentation," "aside " is used as an adverb.



The noun meaning of "aside" is "a remark or comment that is not directly related to the main topic of conversation; a digression or a parenthetical statement." For example, "He told me 'Tomorrow is off', but then added an aside, 'Actually, I have to work the day after tomorrow'."




  1. Aside from his good looks, he's also incredibly intelligent.
  2. She set aside her fear and jumped off the high dive.
  3. The company set aside a large budget for research and development.



  1. He made an aside to the audience, revealing a humorous anecdote that wasn't in the script.
  2. The professor's aside about the importance of studying history added valuable context to the lecture.
  3. The author's asides throughout the novel provided insight into the character's thoughts and feelings.