


Black is a color. It's the color of a starless night sky, a new black crayon, and the color of a bear's fur.


Black can mean a few different things when used as an adjective. It can mean the color of something, usually a dark or neutral shade. It can also mean something that is a lack of light, such as a dark room or night sky. It can also refer to something that is morally wrong or sinister, such as a 'black deed'. Lastly, it can refer to something that is depressing or dismal, such as a 'black mood'.




  1. The sky was dark and filled with black clouds.
  2. My cat's fur is as black as night.
  3. The walls of the room were painted black.


  1. The room was painted black.
  2. She wore a black dress to the party.
  3. His eyes were dark and black.