A tall wooden carvings 14 11月 【TG0029】totem pole ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 A tall wooden carvings
A sauce made from the j 14 11月 【TG0028】gravy ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 A sauce made from the j
Made by boiling potatoe 14 11月 【TG0027】mashed potato ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 Made by boiling potatoe
It was one of the first 14 11月 【TG0026】flint corn ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 It was one of the first
A Native American tribe 14 11月 【TG0025】Wampanoag Tribe ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 A Native American tribe
A Native American who s 14 11月 【TG0024】Squanto ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 A Native American who s
He was the first Native 14 11月 【TG0023】Samoset ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 He was the first Native
Some people watch this 14 11月 【TG0022】football ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 Some people watch this
Pilgrims landed on this 14 11月 【TG0021】Plymouth rock ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 Pilgrims landed on this
The process of growing 14 11月 【TG0020】harvest ad-eigot | Card, Thanksgiving | 0 The process of growing