noun "Inhabited" means that a 16 1月 inhabited Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 noun "Inhabited" means that a
noun "Independence" is an Engl 16 1月 independence Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 noun "Independence" is an Engl
adjective Indigenous people ar 16 1月 indigenous Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 adjective Indigenous people ar
noun "Inspiration" is a feelin 05 1月 inspiration Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 noun "Inspiration" is a feelin
noun Irrigation is the process 28 12月 irrigation Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 noun Irrigation is the process
verd "Investigate" means to lo 27 12月 investigate Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 verd "Investigate" means to lo
noun Institution means a place 26 12月 institution Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 noun Institution means a place
adverd The word "immediately" 22 12月 immediately Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 adverd The word "immediately"
noun Increase means to make so 22 12月 increase Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 noun Increase means to make so
noun "Ingredient" is something 19 12月 ingredient Yumiko Kubota | ABC順, I, 英単語 | 0 noun "Ingredient" is something