


A daydream is a series of thoughts, images, or fantasies that occur in a person's mind during waking hours. Daydreams can be pleasant or unpleasant, and they may be triggered by external stimuli or internal thoughts and emotions. Unlike night dreams, which occur during sleep, daydreams are a form of conscious thought and can be influenced by the individual's desires, fears, and experiences. Daydreaming can be a way to escape from reality, to plan for the future, to explore creativity, or simply to pass the time.



  1. As I sat in my office chair, I couldn't help but daydream about lying on a sunny beach with a cold drink in my hand.
  2. During the long car ride, I passed the time by daydreaming about all the adventures I would have on my upcoming vacation.
  3. While listening to the lecture, my mind began to wander and I found myself lost in a daydream about being a famous musician.