


Deciduous is an adjective that describes a type of tree or shrub that loses its leaves annually, typically during the fall or autumn season. Deciduous plants shed their leaves as part of their natural life cycle, and new leaves grow back in the spring. Examples of deciduous trees include oak, maple, and birch trees. In contrast, evergreen trees do not lose their leaves all at once and retain their foliage throughout the year. Deciduous plants are found in various regions across the world, and their leaves often serve as an important source of food and habitat for wildlife.



  1. In the fall, the deciduous trees in the park shed their leaves, creating a beautiful carpet of red, orange, and yellow on the ground.
  2. Many deciduous forests are home to a diverse range of animal species that rely on the abundant foliage for shelter and food.
  3. To prepare for the upcoming winter, the deciduous shrubs in the garden are pruned back and covered with a protective layer of mulch.