Annual events in Japan

Children’s day

Children’s day

Children’s Day is a national holiday in Japan celebrated on May 5, it is a day to celebrate the happiness and growth of children.
The origins of Children’s Day date back to the Edo period (1603-1868). It was originally a day to celebrate boys’ growth and good health. In 1948, Children’s Day was established as a national holiday to celebrate all children, regardless of gender.


On Children’s Day - May 5th, carp-shaped kites (made of paper or cloth) are flown and we call it Koinobori (we see carp as if they swim upstream against strong wind).
Koinobori are often flown in sets of three. The largest one is supposed to be the father (black color), the middle size one is the mother (often red) and the smallest one is a child Koi) This represents a family unit!.


Chimaki is a type of Japanese dish made with sweet bean paste, sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. They are a special treat that is often served on Children’s Day.


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