【Eigot Senior】Reading Comprehension

Fishing Contest !! [ Main Story ]

Once upon a time, near the Hudson River, there was a dog family and a cat family who were very good friends. The dog family had Daddy Dog named Bob and his little pup, Junior. The cat family had Mommy Cat named Mimi and her small kitten, Chibi.

Fishing contest

One sunny day, they decided to have a fun fishing contest at the river to see which family could catch the most fish. They grabbed their fishing poles and went to the riverbank, excited to start their adventure.

Bob and Junior worked together as a team, with Bob showing his pup how to cast the line while Junior watched carefully. On the other side, Mimi used her sharp eyes to spot the fish, and Chibi used her quick paws to catch them.

Fishing contest

As the day went on, both families caught many fish and they started to wonder who would win the contest. The sun began to set and it was time to count their catches.

To their surprise, both the dog family and the cat family had caught thirty fish each! They all laughed and decided that they were both good at fishing, so they shared their catches with each other.

Fishing contest


They enjoyed a delicious fish dinner by the river as they watched the sun go down. From that day on, the dog and cat families often met at the Hudson River for more fishing adventures, cherishing their friendship and the joy of being together.

The dog and cat families learned that having fun together was more important than winning a contest. They continued to be best friends, and always helped each other in their adventures by the Hudson River.

[Vocabulary] Fishing Contest (Prev Lesson)
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