× [Grade 3] Science 001

[Grade 3] Science 002 – How to Measure Plant Height

How to Measure Plant Height

Plant height refers to the length from the base of a plant to its top. By measuring the height of a plant, we can understand how much it has grown. A ruler or measuring tape can be used for this measurement.


Measure Plant Height-eigot

1. What You Need

  • A ruler or measuring tape
  • A notebook (for recording)
  • A pen



2. Choose a Plant

Select the plant you want to measure. It's easier to measure if you choose a plant that is growing straight up.

3. Place the Ruler

Place the ruler vertically from the base of the plant to its top. Be gentle and make sure not to press the ruler against the plant.

4. Read the Measurement

Look at the markings on the ruler and read the plant height. Record the measurement in centimeters in your notebook.

Measure Plant Height02-eigot


5. Record Your Findings

Write down the measured plant height along with the date in your notebook. By repeating this process over time, you can observe the growth progress of the plant.

[Grade 3] Science 009-2 Volume and Weight (Prev Lesson)
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