× [Grade 3] Science 001

× [Grade 3] Science 009 How to Use a Scale and Understand Units

How to Use a Scale and Understand Units

How to Use a Scale:

  1. Set it on a Level Surface: Place the scale on a flat surface and ensure it is level.
  2. Zero Adjustment: With nothing on it, check that the pointer is at zero and adjust if necessary.
  3. Place the Object: Gently place the object you want to weigh on the scale’s pan.
  4. Read the Weight: After placing the object, wait until the pointer stops moving and then read the weight.

About Units:

The weight units commonly used are grams (g) and kilograms (kg). One kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. It is crucial for elementary students to accurately understand these units when using a scale.

Accurately Understand Units scale eigot

How to Read a Scale:

  • Carefully observe the scale and check where the pointer is pointing.
  • Read the weight in grams and convert to kilograms if necessary.

Important Points to Note:

  • Use in a Quiet Place: To avoid the effects of wind or vibrations, use the scale in a quiet place.
    Use in a Quiet Place eigot
  • Place Objects Gently: When placing objects on the scale, do so gently and patiently wait for the pointer to stabilize.
  • Keep it Clean: After use, wipe the scale clean to remove any dirt before storing.
    Keep it Clean scale eigot
  • Accurately Understand Units: Ensure you accurately understand and can convert the units when reading the scale.
    Accurately Understand Units scale02 eigot
(Next Lesson) [Grade 3] Science 009-1 Shape and Weight
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