Annual events in Japan


Omisoka is the last day of the year in Japan. It is a time for people to clean their homes, eat special foods, and prepare for the new year.

Omisoka is on December 31st. On this day, people clean their homes to get rid of any bad luck from the past year.


They also decorate their homes with pine branches, bamboo, and other traditional decorations.


As a Japanese New Year’s Eve tradition, we have “Joya no Kane”
It involves ringing a bell 108 times at a temple or shrine. The ringing of the bell is a way to let go of the bad things from the past year and to see the world with new eyes. The number 108 is significant in Buddhism because it represents the 108 earthly desires. These desires are believed to be the source of suffering in the world. The ringing of the bell is a way to let go of these desires and to become awakened.


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