【Eigot Senior】Reading Comprehension

[Vocabulary] Fishing Contest


A riverbank is the side of a river. It's the land that is next to the river. You can go to the riverbank to go swimming, fishing, or even just to play!


  1. The riverbank was lined with tall trees that provided a shady spot for picnics.

  2. The children laughed and ran along the riverbank.

  3. The riverbank was a great spot to relax and watch the sunset.


Paw is when we use our hands or feet to grab something. For example, when you reach out to grab a toy, that's called a paw!


Paws are the feet of animals. They help animals move around and do things like catch food and play. They can also be used to help animals balance when they climb trees.


  1. The cat lifted its paw in anticipation of being petted.

  2. The puppy's paws were so soft and fluffy.

  3. The bear's enormous paws had left deep paw prints in the mud.


Equally means that two things have the same amount. For example, if you have two pieces of candy and you want to share them with your friend, you can give them each one piece so that both of you have the same amount. That means you gave them both equally.


  1. The two teams were equally matched.

  2. Everyone should be treated equally.

  3. The twins shared the candy equally.

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