
What is Baseball?

Baseball is a game centered around batters and pitchers.

The batter tries to hit the ball and run, while the pitcher aims to throw the ball and get the batter out.



Number of Players

Each team plays with 9 members.

Total of 18 players showcase their skills on the field!




  1. Ball: It's a hard, round ball.
  2. Bat: A tool used to hit the ball.
  3. Glove: Used to catch the ball.
  4. Uniform: Special clothing with team colors and numbers.
  5. Helmet: Protection for the head, especially worn by batters and base runners.
  6. Shoes(Spike): Special footwear designed for running and grip.




The baseball playing area is called a "field" and is shaped like a diamond.

There are four bases, and batters aim to run around these bases to score points.




Basic Rules

  • Hit: Hitting the ball with the bat and reaching a base.
  • Home Run: Strongly hitting the ball with the bat so it flies out of the field. This scores a point!
  • Strike: Declared when the pitcher throws a good ball or the batter misses the ball.
  • Out: There are three situations where a batter or runner can be declared out. After three outs, teams switch between offense and defense!



Let's watch baseball !!


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