
What is basketball?

Basketball is a sport where you aim to put the ball into the opponent's basketball hoop using your hands.



Number of Players

Each team has 5 players on the court. So, the game is played 5 against 5.




  1. Ball: A round ball that's made of rubber, and has a bouncy surface.
  2. Uniform: Clothing with team colors and numbers.
  3. Shoes: A special high-top shoes that give good support and grip on the court.
  4. Hoop: The hoop where you aim to put the ball in. It has a net attached.





  • It's rectangular in shape.
  • There are two hoops on the court, one at each end. The hoop is placed 10 feet (about 3 meters) above the ground.
  • The court is divided into two main parts: the playing area and the out-of-bounds area.



Basic Rules

  • Dribbling: You can bounce the ball while you walk or run; this is called "dribbling." But you can't run with the ball without dribbling.
  • Scoring: You get points by throwing the ball through the opponent's hoop. Shots closer to the hoop are worth 2 points, and shots from beyond a certain line are worth 3 points.
  • Defense: The other team tries to take the ball from you and block your shots. They can't use their hands to push or hold you.
  • Out of Bounds: The court has boundaries, and if the ball or a player's foot goes outside these lines, it's out of bounds, and the other team gets the ball.
  • Fouls: If a player breaks the rules, it's called a "foul." The other team might get free throws or the ball.


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