• Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    birthplacenoun A birthplace is the place where a person was born. It is the place where a person first came into the world!   Example My birthplace is […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    birthmarknoun A birthmark is a special mark on your skin. It’s like a special pattern or spot that you were born with. Birthmarks can be different colors, […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    birthdaynoun A birthday is a special day that happens once a year where you get to celebrate you! On your birthday, your friends and family usually give you […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    birthnoun Birth is an amazing and miraculous event that marks the beginning of a new life. It is an event that is celebrated in almost every culture around […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    Bironoun A biro is a pen that you use to write. It’s usually made of plastic and has ink inside so you can make marks on paper. You can use a biro to draw […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bird's-eye viewnoun A bird’s-eye view is when you look down from above, like a bird flying in the sky. It gives you an idea of what an area looks like from a higher […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    birdseednoun Birdseed is food for birds. It’s tiny little seeds that birds like to eat. The birds can find the seeds in a bird feeder and then eat […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bird of preynoun that can be found in many parts of the world. They have powerful talons and beaks, and their keen eyesight helps them to spot their prey from a […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    birdnoun A bird is an animal with wings, feathers, and a beak. They can fly in the air and often make chirping sounds. Birds eat things like seeds, […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    birchnoun A birch is a type of tree that grows in many different places in the world. It has a trunk that is usually white or silver and leaves that are […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    biologynoun Biology is the study of living things. It is a way of learning more about animals, plants, and people. It helps us understand how living things […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    biographynoun A biography is a story about a person’s life. It tells you about what kind of person they were, what they did, and how they lived. It’s like a […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    binocularsnoun Binoculars are like two telescopes that are connected together. You can look through them and make things that are far away look like they are […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bingonoun Bingo is a game where you have a card with lots of numbers on it. Everyone playing bingo takes turn calling out numbers, and if the number on your […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bindverb Bind is like a glue that sticks two things together. When you bind something, you make it so that two things are connected and stay together. For […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    binary numbernoun Binary numbers are like a secret code. They are made up of only two numbers: 0 and 1. Computers use binary numbers to understand information and […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    binnoun Bin is like a big box with a lid. You can put things inside it to keep them safe and organized. It’s like a container for your toys or other […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    billy goatnoun A billy goat is a type of goat that is not a female. It is a male goat. Billy goats have long horns and furry bodies. They usually live in fields […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    billowverb To billow means to swell out in waves or billows, like a flag in the wind or smoke from a fire.   Example 1. The white curtains billowed in […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    billionnoun A billion is a very big number. It is 1,000,000,000. That means it is one thousand million. You can think of it like this: if you had one million […]

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