• Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    billiardsnoun Billiards is a fun game you can play with your friends. In billiards, you use a special stick called a cue to hit a white ball and try to make it […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    billnoun Bill is a written document that records a transaction between two or more parties. It usually includes the details of the goods or services being […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bilingualadjective Bilingual means that you can speak two languages. It can be two different languages, like English and Spanish, or it can be different […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bikininoun A bikini is a special kind of clothing that some people wear when they go swimming. It covers just the top part of your body and your bottom part. […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bikenoun A bike is a machine that you can ride to get around. It has two wheels and pedals that you push with your feet to make it go. It’s a fun way to […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bigadjective Big means something that is larger than other things. When something is big, it is bigger than other things around it. For example, an […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bideverb Bide means to wait patiently. It’s like when you’re playing a game and you have to wait your turn.   Example 1. We will have to bide our […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bidnoun A bid is when you offer to pay a certain amount of money for something. For example, if you wanted to buy a toy in a store, you could make a bid – […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bicyclenoun A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels. You can ride it by pedaling with your feet. It helps us go places faster than walking!   Example 1. […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bibliographynoun The word “bibliography” refers to a list of sources (such as books, articles, and documents) that are referred to or used in a scholarly work. It […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    Biblenoun The Bible is a book that tells stories about God and how He loves us. It tells us how to live our lives in a way that makes God happy. It also […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bibnoun A bib is a special piece of clothing that you wear around your neck. It helps protect your clothes from getting dirty when you eat. It has a part […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    biasnoun Bias is when you think one person, thing, or group is better than another without giving them a chance to show what they can do. It’s like having […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    beyondpreposition Beyond means going further than something. It can mean going further than a certain place, or doing more than something you can do. For […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bewitchverb Bewitch means to magically control someone or something with a spell. It’s like when a witch uses her wand to make something happen that wouldn’t […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bewilderverb Bewilder means to confuse or surprise someone. For example, when you see something you’ve never seen before, it might bewilder […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    bewareverb Beware means to be careful and watch out for something. It’s like a warning to tell you to be careful and pay attention to what’s happening around […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    betweenadverb Between is a word we use when we want to talk about two things that are not the same. For example, if you have two toys, one blue and one red, […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    betteradjective Better means “superior in quality, quantity, or degree” when used as an adjective. noun Better means it is of a higher quality or it is […]

  • Yumi Seya さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 1年, 7か月前

    betrayverb Betray means when someone you trust or like does something bad to you. It’s like when your friend says they will do something with you and then […]

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