• Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    potlucknoun A potluck is a party where everyone brings a dish to share.   Example I’m going to a potluck party at my friend’s house tonight. […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    aestheticadjective The adjective “Aesthetic” relates to aesthetic sense or aesthetic value, and describes beauty or artistic qualities.   Example […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    geometric patterns noun “Geometric patterns” are beautiful designs made by repeating simple shapes or figures.   Example The stripes on a zebra are a […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    tiles noun Tiles are small, flat pieces of material that are used to cover surfaces.   Example The kitchen floor is made of white ceramic […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    polygonaladjective “Polygonal” describes something that has the shape of a polygon, which is a flat shape with straight sides. For example, a polygonal shape […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    cylindrical adjective “Cylindrical” describes something that has the shape of a cylinder, which is a solid with two circular bases and straight sides connecting […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    square noun The noun “square” in English refers to a geometric shape with four equal sides and four right angles, commonly known as a “square” or […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    lighthouse noun A “lighthouse” is a tall tower-like structure that is very helpful for ships and sailors. It stands near the coast and has a light on top of it. […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    islamic architecture noun Islamic architecture refers to the architectural styles that have emerged from Islamic cultures from the early medieval period to the present […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    muezzinnoun A muezzin is the person who announces prayer times at a mosque.   Example The muezzin climbed to the top of the minaret and began to […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    fastingnoun Fasting is when you don’t eat or drink anything for a period of time.   Example I am fasting for Ramadan. I am fasting to lose weight. I am fasting for health benefits.  

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    ramadannoun “Ramadan” is a month-long religious observance in Islam where believers fast and pray as a way to deepen their faith.   Example […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    minaret tower noun A “minaret tower” is a tall, slender tower typically found next to a mosque. It is used for the call to prayer in Islamic tradition, where a […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    sacredadjective The word “sacred” means something that is very special and important, often connected to religion or deeply held […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    muslimsnoun The word “Muslims” refers to people who follow the religion of Islam.   Example Most Muslims are peaceful people who just want to live […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    baptismal ceremonynoun A baptismal ceremony is a religious rite in which a person is baptized, which is typically done by immersing them in water or pouring or […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    wedding ceremonynoun A “wedding ceremony” is a special event where two people declare their love for each other on a special day.   Example The wedding […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    worshipnoun Worship means to show great respect and admiration for someone or something, often in a religious context. It can also refer to the act of […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    pray verb “Pray” means “to offer a prayer” or “to address a deity with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving.” It’s also used to express a […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 9か月, 3週間前

    christianitynoun “Christianity” is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is centered around the belief in one God and the message of love, […]

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