• Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 5か月, 4週間前

    distributeverb Distribute means to give something to a group of people or put something in different places.   Example A teacher distributes […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 5か月, 4週間前

    fetchverb “Fetch” means to go and get something or to retrieve something.   Example Can you fetch my ball from the park? I’ll fetch the dog. The dog fetched the stick.  

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 5か月, 4週間前

    compassionnoun “Compassion” means understanding how others feel and offering kindness or help to them. It’s about caring for others and lending a hand to those […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 5か月, 4週間前

    aftermathnoun “Aftermath” is a word that describes what happens after a big event or situation. It’s like the consequences or results of something that […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 5か月, 4週間前

    wipe outverb “Wipe out” means to completely remove or eliminate something.   Example I can’t wipe out the memory of that day. The disease wiped […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    praisenoun “Praise” means saying good things about someone when they do something well.   Example I praised my son for getting good grades on his […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    take placeverb “take place” means that an event or activity occurs at a specific time or location.   Example The soccer game will take place at the […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    integritynoun “Integrity” means trustworthiness or honesty. It refers to the quality of adhering to principles of morality and ethics, and consistently acting […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    impressverb “Impress” means to make someone feel admiration and respect or to leave a good impression on them.   Example I was really impressed by […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    hesitationnoun Hesitation is a feeling of uncertainty or doubt that makes you pause or hold back.   Example I hesitated to ask a question in class […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    sankverb “Sank” is a word we use when something goes down into the water or moves downward in water.   Example The Titanic sank in 1912, taking […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    strugglenoun A strenuous or violent effort to overcome difficulty or opposition.   verb To make strenuous or violent efforts to overcome difficulty […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    treasurenoun “Treasure” means something that is very valuable or precious.   Example X marks the spot where the treasure is buried. My childhood […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    accomplishmentnoun “Accomplishment” means completing or achieving something.   Example I’m proud of my accomplishment of winning the first prize in the […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    desert noun “Desert” is a place with a lot of sand. It’s usually very hot there and not many plants grow.   Example The Sahara Desert is the […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    widenverb “Widen” means to make something become broader or larger.   Example The door is wide open. The river is getting wider and wider. My smile widened when I saw you.  

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    glintnoun Glint is a word that means something shiny is reflecting light, like a diamond or a piece of metal.   Example The sun glinted off the […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    chirp verb “Chirp” is a word we use to describe the short, high-pitched sound that birds or crickets make. It’s the sound you hear when a bird tweets or a […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月前

    realizeverb “Realize” means to understand or become aware of something.   Example I realized that I had left my keys at home when I tried to open […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    trapnoun “Trap” is something that catches things, like animals or bugs.   Example The hunter set a trap for the bear. The mouse was trapped in the cage. The police set a trap to catch the thief.  

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