• Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    votenoun “Vote” means to express an opinion or preference, usually by choosing between options or indicating support for a particular person or […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    resorcefuladjective “Resourceful” means being able to solve problems by using what’s around you or your own abilities cleverly.   Example The […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    endurancenoun The word “endurance” means the ability to withstand hardship or stress over a long period of time. It often refers to physical stamina or the […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    accidentalyadverd “Accidentally” means something happens without intending for it to happen. It’s used when you drop a toy or bump into a friend without meaning […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    escalateverb “Escalate” means to increase in seriousness or intensity. It refers to a situation, problem, or conflict advancing to a higher level or degree […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    scrapeverb “Scrape” means when something gets scratched or marked by rubbing against another surface.   Example I scraped my knee when I fell off […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    terrain noun Terrain is the shape and features of the ground or land. It can be described as the physical features of a place, including mountains, valleys, […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    perspectivenoun “Perspective” means the way of viewing or thinking about a particular thing or situation. It also encompasses the viewpoint or way of looking at […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    empathynoun “Empathy” is an English word that means “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.” It is often described as the […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    buzznoun “Buzz” means a continuous, low sound, like that made by bees. It can also refer to excitement or a lot of talk about something. For example, […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    compassionateadjective “Compassionate” means showing sympathy and concern for others’ suffering or difficulties, and being kind and understanding towards […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 6か月, 1週間前

    furrownoun You can say something like, “A furrow is a long, thin line that is lower than the surface around it. Like the lines on your forehead when you […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    enlightenmentnoun The word “enlightenment” generally refers to gaining knowledge, understanding, or insight, especially in a deep or spiritual way. It can also […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    circurationnoun “Circulation” refers to the movement of something in a particular area. In the context of biology, it means the flow of blood through the heart […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    immuneadjective “Immune” means having resistance to something, typically a disease or infection. It can also refer to being protected or unaffected by […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    citrus noun Citrus is an English word that refers to a group of fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits.   Example I love to eat […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    mineralnoun A naturally occurring, inorganic solid substance with a definite chemical composition and a characteristic crystal structure. Minerals are found […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    solsticenoun “Solstice” refers to the two times of the year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marking the longest and […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    pyramid noun A pyramid is a big structure with a square or triangular base and four triangular sides.   Example The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt […]

  • Yumiko Kubota さんが新しい記事を投稿しました。 8か月, 1週間前

    structurenoun “Structure” refers to the arrangement or organization of parts in a system or object. It can describe the way something is built or how its […]

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