

Pilgrims were a group of people from England who went on a big adventure over 400 years ago. They sailed on a ship called the Mayflower to find a new home in America. They left England because they wanted to be free to practice their own religion.

Pilgrims and Native Americans eigot

The journey on the Mayflower was long and hard. It took them 66 days to cross the ocean. When they arrived, it was winter, and it was very cold. They found a place to live in what is now Massachusetts.

In America, the Pilgrims met Native American people, like the Wampanoag tribe. These Native Americans were friendly and helped the Pilgrims learn how to grow food and survive in their new home.

Pilgrims and Native Americans eigot

After their first successful year, the Pilgrims had a big celebration with a feast. They invited their Native American friends to thank them. This celebration is what we now call Thanksgiving.

The Pilgrims are remembered for their brave journey to find a place where they could be free and for making friends with the Native Americans, who helped them a lot.