


"Wake" has several meanings in English. Here are some To become conscious or to stop sleeping and get out of bed.To make someone else conscious or to cause them to stop sleeping.To make someone aware of something, often a problem or issue.To stimulate or provoke someone to action, often related to a problem or issue.To create waves behind a moving boat or other watercraft.


"Wake" can have several meanings, but here are the three main ones.The state of being awake or the act of waking up.The visible track left by a moving object, especially a boat or a ship.A ceremony or gathering held before or after a funeral to remember the deceased.



  1. I usually wake up at 6am to go for a run before work.
  2. Could you please wake me up at 7am? I have an early meeting tomorrow.
  3. The devastating earthquake that hit the city in 2011 was a wake-up call for the government to improve its disaster preparedness.


  1. She was feeling groggy and disoriented after waking up from a deep sleep.
  2. The boat left a wake behind it as it cut through the water towards the shore.
  3. The family held a wake to honor and remember their loved one who had recently passed away.