


The verb "walk" generally means to move on foot, usually at a moderate pace, using one's legs to take steps and make progress in a particular direction. When used figuratively, the verb "walk" can also mean to behave in a particular way or to accomplish something with a sense of purpose or determination.


The noun "walk" refers to an activity or an instance of moving on foot for exercise, leisure, or transportation. It can also refer to a path, route, or way that is designed or suitable for walking.




  1. She walks in the park every morning.
  2. He was walking slowly down the street, enjoying the scenery.
  3. The players walked onto the pitch with confidence.


  1. I enjoy taking a walk in the park every morning to start my day.
  2. The walk up the mountain was challenging but the views from the top were worth it.
  3. She has a distinctive walk, with a slight limp in her left leg.